Wednesday, December 23, 2009

geeking out

Fixed? Maybe. I think so. Probably. Yeah, fixed for now.

So, the rib at T-6 is back in place. Feels like it's going to say put this time. The T-9, -10 & -11 vertebrae were still in place from last week's chiropractic adjustment. I have been doing my chest stretches and mid-back strengthening exercises, as well as getting some massage yesterday. I think I am back in working order. Usually takes a day or two for my body to settle after getting bodywork. We'll see if I am back in working order on Christmas Day. I had better be, since I have a performance on New Year's Eve at the Center for Sex Positive Culture.

Now the trick is to keep doing all these things even when I don't hurt. In the past, I would be religious about my exercises until I had been pain free for a few weeks. Then I would rationalize not making time for exercising since I felt fine. An awful cycle, especially since I am aware of it. Time to break it. I am not for new year resolutions, but this may be a special exception. Spending half my life recovering from some injury is not fun. (Even if it does make for good stories.)

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