Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Toe update!

Healing is commencing at a satisfactory pace.

I have been a bit nervous about giving a report on my toe. Seems like every time someone asks me how it's healing I say "great!" and then later that day smack it on something, causing it to swell and ache for a day or two.

I wore high heels when I went to see "My Time with the Lady". That worked ok for the first half hour. After that, it was increasingly uncomfortable. Even sitting down, if my foot was on the floor, the position that the shoe dictated was still putting pressure on the littlest toe.

This reminds me that I haven't given my review of "My Time with the Lady". The short version is that I highly recommend it. I found it to be a beautiful testament of how essential a vibrant sex life for humans to be whole & happy. I was pleased that masturbation was being put forth as a valid way to express one's sexuality.  I am quite partial to Ron, the co-writer and actor, so I thought I should give some non-biased reviews. The Seattle PI did a write up as did the Seattle Weekly, complete with horrible puns. The Everett Herald even wrote up a nice review. Go, Everett!

You can still buy tickets online or at the Little Red Studio box office (400 Dexter Ave. N.) when the doors open at 7:30pm on Thursday the 26th, Saturday the 28th and Sunday the 29th. This is the last weekend of this play's run.

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