Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Not again!

*grumble grouse grumble*

Last night, after a lovely R&D scene with a bendy beauty, I stubbed my baby toe on the mats that I had used to be safe. Yes, the same toe I broke last month. This incident hurt just as much, if not a smidge more than the first injury.

I still don't want to go to a clinic. I don't have a regular doctor in Seattle and it's not terribly convenient to go to the last GP I had. Going into to urgent care clinics or the walk-in clinic has been very hit and miss. Sometimes I get taken care of beautifully, and other times I am shuttled through and my questions brushed off.  The brush offs are particularly disheartening. I consider my health to be of supreme importance and to have a professional not answer my questions with detail limits my ability to heal. I know that's silly that only a few medical professionals have given me a bad taste in my mouth about the whole of western emergency medicine.

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