Friday, July 23, 2010

Yay for art!

Whenever I get the chance to assist with a photo shoot, I jump.  I love being on the backside of producing an image and I find doing prep or make-up or being an extra set of hands to the artist is immensely satisfying. Often more satisfying than modeling.

Last night I helped Jim Duvall with an image he has wanted to do for years.  I was in charge of painting the "puppy" and making sure the girl had a tan and a tan line. It's a pretty damn good job to have!

2010-2331 by *JimDuvall on deviantART

The puppy play fetish fascinates me, now. Before hand, my reaction to it on an intellectual level is neutral. I was unprepared for my reaction to the reality of it. I suddenly felt like a little kid with an impulse to pet and play with the "puppy".

When Jim declared the shoot a success, he asked if Alex wanted any shots as a puppy before cleaning up. After a few shots, I burst out "Can I have my picture taken with the puppy, too?" They indulged my request and I have the goofiest grin while petting this painted, hooded human pretending to be a puppy. It was delightfully freeing to sink into that headspace of petting and cooing over a puppy that was happy for attention, leaning into me, returning my affection just the way a dog would. It was really cool. I get it.

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