Monday, July 12, 2010

The story of my Injury.

I realized that in all the hubbub of reporting on the status of my healing toe, I have neglected to share how I came to be in this state.

Short of it:
I tripped and broke my pinky toe.

Long of it:
I was just trying to be safe. Really! I was suspending a dear friend of mine and was doing my very best to be safe. We had wrestling mats down and I had taken off my heels. After much frolicking, we got a little more serious and the movement become for aggressive on both our parts. I gave him a strong push. Stepping back to avoid his arms reaching for me as he sung back toward me, my foot caught my high heeled shoes. The baby toe on my right foot was pulled back and away from the midline.

The pain was awful. But then, stubbing your toe is always worse feeling than the damage you sustain. The pain persisted. I reached down to squeeze my toe, knowing that putting pressure on an area that is painful often settles the sensations down. I heard and felt a crunch that was immediately followed by more pain. At this point, we called the scene.

I motioned for his partner to come over and promptly sent her for and ice pack. In the mean time, I stood on one foot and untied my bottom. He's a rigger when he isn't being tied up by me, so he tried to help. I let him undo a few of the up lines, and insisted I could finish taking the rope off of him while we both sat. He fussed over my foot, that I was dutifully icing by this point, and I untied him and coiled my rope. It is quite important to me to have that resolving act. The swelling slowed, then began going down, giving cause for relief.

At first, because of the sound and movement upon grasping my toe, I assumed it was dislocated, put back in place and I was only dealing with a sprain injury. Not terrible, but an awful long recovery ahead of me. The fact it was the pinky toe made it not as big of a deal. I had an appointment with a chiropractor the next day already scheduled, so I asked his opinion about getting it x-rayed. His was the same as mine: if it's broken, the doctor will just tell me to tape it up. If it's sprained, they'll tell me tape it up. He handed me some tape and sent me on my way with the advice of keeping shoes on and walking was ok.

Well, walking was/is not ok. I was throwing my hips and low back out of alignment walking in such a fashion so as to not increase the pain in my toe. So I went and bought crutches. Now that got me around much faster, which makes up for the inconvenience. Shouldn't have gotten rid of the pair I had after the last foot injury a  year ago.

As the swelling has gone down, I realized that my toe was noticeably crooked. Ok, then I broke it. This is the first bone I have broken and I don't have a good story to go along with how I got it. The Mean Man says I can honest say that I have only broken one bone and I set it myself. That sounds pretty burly. I can roll with that. I'll just gloss over the fact that it was a toe and I tripped.

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