Tuesday, March 9, 2010

From one of my favourite bloggers:

Figleaf's Ultimate Definitions of Good and Bad Sex

It’s good sex if you feel as good or better about yourself and your partner(s) as you did before.
It’s bad sex if you feel bad or worse about yourself and your partner(s) after than you did before.
I want to discuss this with a variety of people in the kink community.  There is a lot of play that walks the edge of this dichotomy. 


NBarnes said...

I'm remember one of Califia's bits about how writing doesn't have to be about good sex to be good porn. But I think that might point in the direction of what constitutes healthy things to do in real life vs. hot things to fantasize about and not do.

Dov said...

Its insanely great sex if you feel bad or worse about yourself and you feel great and good or better about your partner(s) after than you did before.