Saturday, March 27, 2010

Add 2 more injuries to the list!

One smashed ring finger and a first degree burn to the neighboring middle finger.   And I haven't even written about the injury on Saturday of Kinkfestivus.  I am so far behind, I know.  I need to consult with my partner-in-shenanigans of that evening before I post anything about that one, though.

Last night's performance was off the hook!  I went a bit overboard in my exuberance to be performing again.  While the Mean  Man & I have made it a habit to perform every 6-8 weeks,  we haven't done so at the Little Red Studio in quite a while.  Not only is this my home stage, it is also the place that is safe enough to try new things and allow ourselves those authentic moments when they arise.

With the first throw, I decided I was going all out.  An old friend of the Mean Man's was visiting from Chicago and I wanted ensure that he was impressed and enjoyed our act.  As a result, I used far more strength than necessary to pull myself up after a series of tricks and my right hand went through the ring.  This is the hand that is connected directly to my left foot.  This has always been a danger, but until last night, an unrealized one.  As the angle of the swing changed, my weight shifted so that pressure on my hand was increaseing, making it difficult to extract my hand.  Fear at the pinch in my middle and ring fingers introduced the burst of adrenaline I needed to pull my hand back through the ring.  I could feel the ache in my fingers through the whole performance and when we were done, I reported the injury.  Ice was fetched and the badgering for the rest of the evening commenced. I know ice helps, but I hate being cold.

All in all, I am pretty damn lucky that after 3 years, a smashed finger is the worst injury I have had doing the aerial bondage performances. Sure, there have been some strained muscles here and there, and once the Mean Man was kicked in the head, but my straight aerial work has been far more injurious. 


Mark Atwood said...

I'm sorry I missed last night's performance. Plane got me back into Seattle to late to make it.

Sophia Sky said...

Welcome home!