Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Update and more SEAF

The "Cheese!" performance now has two ticket options. $15 per ticket, and $30 for a ticket and food. Good deal!

I'm still working on getting everything ready for the SEAF jury selection process. There is some really amazing art in the portal right now. I'm so curious to see what pieces get picked.

Fortunately, I have the time for such a daunting project.  I'm in the quiet time every massage therapist knows about and I am finished with my end of the preparations for the Launch Party on Feb. 20th.  I am organizing the merchandise table where we will be selling previous years' shirts, posters and catalogs. I found some posters from the very first year and they are incredible! Printed on really good stock, too. Make sure to come check it out, dance a little and find out who the accepted and invited artists are for SEAF 2010!

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