Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I promised myself that I wouldn't complain about how bad the winter was this year. Seattle had such an incredible autumn. The sun-filled afternoons that followed those often foggy mornings afforded me more sunbathing opportunities than most other years.

And I will keep that promise. I will not complain about the hard winter. I will complain about other things like scary drivers in the snow and how wrong it is that snow blew INTO my car through all the little crevices. There was SNOW INSIDE my car this morning. The Mean Man said that made perfect sense with how hard the wind was blowing last night. He went on to tell me how that was just like home, as in where he grew up in the Great White North.

Snow got inside my car and there were no windows open in the slightest.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!?

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