Monday, December 13, 2010

No, the other foot.

Last night was the one year anniversary of the fetish dress code party, Strict Machine, held at the Mercury. Jim and I were among the first performers when the party got its start. Due to breaks ups, we hadn't performed there in a while. We were honoured to be invited to perform again.

The Mercury has quite the low ceiling; about 9 feet high. There was much back and forth as to whether we should do aerial bondage work there or just stick with suspension bondage. Either would be dynamic, but the aerial bondage is much more fun and interesting. The decision is made to go with the aerial antics with plenty of passionate interactions so as to lengthen the performance. If we do nothing but the aerial work, I am barely good for 5 minutes, as it is a strenuous activity.
We get off to a good start, despite Jim having to warn people that they will get kicked if they don't steer clear. That's to be expected when doing any kind of ambient performance, especially being located on the dance floor. Our energy and excitement builds through the interactions and the first gentle throw. In our usual manner of drastically ramping up, the second throw has more oomph and I pop upside down. My left foot smacks into the support beam that holds our hardpoint, which causes me to spin in the opposite direction. I finish the spin out and when he catches me, I whisper that I whacked my foot, that it's bad but pretty sure no broken bones. Continue? Oh, hell, yes! And off we go again.
As I start to get tired, I can feel the pain increasing. The worry sets in, and I signal the wrap up. He gets me down and I hobble off to check my foot. I barely get my boot off and immediately regret that I'll have to put it back on. The lateral side and top of my foot were quite puffy already. A hasty exit and soon I am home with an ice pack on my foot and a hot pack on my thigh. (This is a great trick to bring down inflammation very fast.)

I have been icing on and off all day, and therefore doing quite well. This injury doesn't even warrant a picture. Except for the extreme pain when trying to push in the clutch of a standard transmission car, I can get around mostly pain free. (I didn't even try on the motorcycle boot.) I figure my foot is bruised, though hopefully not the bones themselves. Bone bruises take forever to heal. At least it wasn't the right foot, like the last 4 foot/ankle injuries.


Unknown said...

Ouch! Poor dear - sending hugs and healing thoughts your way. Would you mind elaborating on where to place the hot pack on the thigh for that trick? I'm guessing the femoral artery, but would love to know for certain.

Chadwick said...

As the Marines say, 'pain is weakness leaving the body...'

I do hope you heal quickly!