Saturday, October 30, 2010


I take voting very seriously. As a citizen of a country that has a democratic government system, I believe it is a responsibility as well as a right to participate by voting. One of my parents was a British subject; hence, no voting for him. I have no memories of elections being a big deal in our household, or hearing my parents talk about who they were going to vote for during my childhood. Maybe that is why I was so curious about the process and hungry to take my place at the polls.

When I was 17 and a half, I set out to learn about politics in preparation for voting, as the month after I turned 18 was a presidential election. I found a tape called I Blow Minds for a Living with Jello Biafra's ranting about monkey wrenching the system while at the same time fulfilling one's civic duty by voting. After listening to him, I decided to register as a independent rather than proclaim a political party. I became diligent about researching candidates, initiatives and propositions so that I could make an informed decision based on my ethics and ideals.

I loved pouring over my voter's pamphlet, making notes of my opinions, crossing things out and circling other things so that when I went to the polls I was prepared. This was a sacred rite in which I eagerly participated. Going to the polling station was truly satisfying; especially when it was located in a school. For some reason, voting in a church was much less satisfying. I guess I take the concept of separating church and state too literally.

I understand the reasons for having a mail in system, but I do miss going to the polls. Last year, I saved voting for the first Tuesday in November; taking my ballot to the drop off station rather than mailing it in. I was doing my best to maintain that polling ritual. This year, I am accepting the fact that I will be mailing in my ballot. I have been reading my pamphlet and searching on the interweb in between working, marking my votes as I go. Voting while all bundled up in bed is quite nice. I think this soften the disappointment of not going to the polls.

Remember to get your ballots in the mail or to a drop off point by Tuesday November 2nd. Enjoy your responsibility!

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